Monday, April 20, 2009

Hoooooo Boy.

I know it's pathetic. I know it's lame.

But I seriously miss cookies.

I had a protein bar, I had strawberries, and they were great. I had peanut butter with carrots this afternoon and I remembered how delicious that combination is. I had pita with hummus, cucumbers, and peppers and it was lovely. I had scrambled eggs and a bagel for breakfast and it ruled. And I had veggie lasagna with half tofu/half cheese that mom made Robbie and I, which was lovely. But I still really really miss my baked goods and chocolate!

It's a tough adjustment but I'm just trying to remind myself how great it'll be once I can lose a few pounds and get down to my preferred race weight. I have every intention of going nuts and buying a ton of awesome new swimsuits and tri stuff if I manage to get down to the right weight by the end of May. It's totally worth it.

Anyway, pity party aside... today was a mixed bag training-wise. I woke up at 7 and ran to the gym. Amazingly, it didn't hurt at all! My hips actually felt ok. Then, met Don to go swimming, and as always, had a great time. An hour later, got out, showered, and ran back. I was so happy that it didn't hurt! Finally, I think I'm almost totally recovered from the marathon- took me long enough!

Did an hour and a half of intervals on the trainer because the weather sucked. My legs felt tired, but I don't know if it was boredom or legitimate tiredness.

Either way, I totally need to HTFU and stop moping about missing eating yummy stuff. I can get through this month and change my eating habits, and I can easily drop down to race weight. I may be doing a tri May 23 with some kids that are in a "triathlon class" at the Rutgers fitness center. It might be kind of cool, though I'm worried I may need to get a wet suit. It'll be a good gauge for figuring out what to focus on when I transition from cycling season to tri season though- and the open water swim will let me know how much I need to focus on that before the NJ State Tri. It could be fun- gettig the email about it from the tri class coach made me realize how much I miss triathlons. Bike racing is awesome and a huge part of my life, but I definitely miss my multisport life!

So I need to get back to running more, and quick!!

In the meantime, motivate me, please!

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