Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snowy Slushy Lame Day

It's pretty disgusting outside- slush puddles over a foot deep, snow, rain, and cold. It's the first day this year (I mean since September) where even I will be utilizing the Rutgers buses. I'm not thrilled about it, but the ride tot he gym would be almost impossible, and certainly terrible. So I'm making up the time by using the trainer in my basement.

Chris brought me my bibs last night, and they're so padded it's ridiculous, but I'm really happy about it. Pictures of me and my new gear asap!

My list of things I need is just getting bigger and bigger, as my cell phone seems to be not holding charge anymore. Ugh.

In my class today we were talking about the economy- so freaking scary. It's just nerve-racking that I'm graduating (even though hopefully grad school will happen next year), I still may need to try to get a full time job. Yuck. Blake made a good point though- when we're this young, it's worth a year of sacrifices for an easier life afterwards. I don't know though.

Anyway, managed to get through the first small part of my workout this morning- I should do a longer run (10 miles) on Wednesdays after class at 11, but since my legs have been iffy lately, I'm doing it in chunks. So the first half hour is done, and I'll be at the gym for a while tonight running, swimming and lifting. In the meantime, I'm riding for an hour on my trainer in the basement.

Here's Robbie and I last night:
Cute, right?

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